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Leading New Mexico Women Launch “Women for Torrez”

Updated: May 28, 2021

Group Highlights Advocacy for Women, Children & Families

At a virtual event yesterday evening, former New Mexico Attorney General Patricia Madrid, along with dozens of local leading women, launched “Women for Torrez,” a group dedicated to ensuring victory for Bernalillo County District Attorney Raúl Torrez in his effort to serve as New Mexico’s next Attorney General.

“Raúl Torrez is the fighter we need as Attorney General,” said former State Senator Lisa Curtis. “He has been a champion for victims of crime as they seek justice, and that’s the kind of leadership we need all across our state.”

As District Attorney, Raúl has broken through political gridlock to help protect New Mexico’s families. He has put victims and their loved ones first, forming community partnerships with victim advocacy groups, streamlining the process for critical filings, providing a new respite area and basic necessities like toiletries, and forming an alliance of volunteers who have been the victims of crime for counsel and support.

Torrez has also trained volunteer prosecutors to help move through cases from the rape kit backlog, while forming a critical partnership with volunteers from Sandia National Laboratories to help combine law enforcement databases that weren’t previously able to work together in order to streamline criminal investigations.

“We need someone who won’t back down from a tough fight as our next Attorney General,” said former First Lady of New Mexico, Clara Apodaca. “Whether it’s standing up for our seniors, protecting our environment from polluters or pushing back against attempts to undermine our democracy, Raúl has shown that he will never give up on building a better future for ourselves and future generations of New Mexicans.”

Co-chairs for the event included leading New Mexico women from a wide variety of community sectors including nonprofits, philanthropies, businesses, law firms, medical groups and more. A full list of hosts can be found here.

“Raúl was instrumental in our project to have 40 volunteer trial lawyers sworn in to specially prosecute the dozens of sex offenders identified when a 10 year backlog of rape kits was finally DNA tested. He cares about women and prosecuting crimes against women,” said Randi McGinn, Trial Lawyer and Women’s Advocate.

Former New Mexico Attorney General Patricia Madrid was the featured speaker at the event following her endorsement of Torrez earlier this week.

“Thank you to everyone who participated in our Women for Torrez launch event,” said Torrez. “I look forward to working with them closely as we reach out and build support all across New Mexico for our vision of a safe and prosperous state.”

To learn more about Raúl Torrez and get the latest campaign updates, please visit and follow:


Born and raised here in New Mexico, Raúl went on to serve as a federal prosecutor and senior advisor in President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice, where he fought to reduce border violence, crack down on drug cartels, and reduce violent crime and domestic abuse in Indian Country.

As Attorney General, he’ll use every available tool to fight crime, protect consumers, safeguard the environment and stand up for democracy. Raúl has taken on the toughest jobs during the crime crisis and shown that he won’t back down when it comes to protecting our community.

Raúl is also recognized as a national leader for reform, being one of the first prosecutors in America to make information about police misconduct available to the public, and piloting a program to provide full transparency about the demographic outcomes in our criminal justice system.

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